Guarantee of results or refund after 365 days

Details of the guarantee of results or refund after 365 days:

The application must include all the elements set out below. In order to obtain your refund, you must demonstrate that you have followed the recommendations provided through the Landscape Business Blueprint Coaching Program, in particular:

  • Have completed at least 100% of the views. (Our New Kajabi hosting platform allows us to validate this information);
  • Provide in PDF format, the (basic) exercises, taking care to indicate the date on which you did these exercises;
  • Participation in the live event in Boston in August 2020 or listening to the recordings (our system will tell us if you listen to the videos);
  • Have participated in at least 4 of 6 follow-up webinars

The lessons of the Landscape & Hardscape Summit and of the Landscape Business Blueprint Program are based on best practices. It will be easy for you to quickly obtain a minimum of results if you apply what is taught clearly in the Landscape Business Blueprint Method.

The refund request may be sent for a period of 30 days after the 365 days following the registration date. You must then provide supporting documents that demonstrate that you have done the required work.

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